Students love to see their work in a large scale, and to be able to point to the specific part they created.
The images below were all created by many hands coming together
K4 - 4th grade project - final is approximately 5' wide
5th grade project - final is 6' tall x 7' wide

3rd grade collaborative - Acrylic vase with cardboard sculpture flowers. 18"x24"

K4-5th grade collaborative - FIshers of Men. 8'x6'

6th and 7th grade collaborative - Paper mache eagle made with old foam packaging, poster tubes, socks and hosiery. Wing span in 6.5'.
1st-3rd grade collaborative
Stain glass windows with tissue paper and black construction paper. Students were asked to depict their favorite thing that God made in nature.

K4-2nd grade collaborative