Humans are made in the image of God, and God's first recorded act was to create.  As such, we are honoring God when we create art, music, mechanical systems, poetry, or any other thing that is honest in it's pursuit of truth. For me, art is often born from an overflow of conviction, and typically has a relational element at it's core. An idea will sit for a while in my heart, and then clamor out in a bit of an explosion.

Painting a still life with students

Not My Home. Acrylic 48"x60"
Not My Home. Acrylic 48"x60"
Tree of Life, Acrylic 24"x36"
Tree of Life, Acrylic 24"x36"
Sakura of Hope, Acrylic 8"x8"
Sakura of Hope, Acrylic 8"x8"
Always Room for One More, Oil pastels 9"x12"
Always Room for One More, Oil pastels 9"x12"
Shattered, Pen and ink, pencil, marker 14"x14"
Shattered, Pen and ink, pencil, marker 14"x14"
Breakthrough, Sharpie 8"x11"
Breakthrough, Sharpie 8"x11"
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